BinMatch: A Semantics-Based Hybrid Approach on Binary Code Clone Analysis


Binary code clone analysis is an important technique which has a wide range of applications in software engineering (e.g., plagiarism detection, bug detection). The main challenge of the topic lies in the semantics-equivalent code transformation (e.g., optimization, obfuscation) which would alter representations of binary code tremendously. Another challenge is the trade-off between detection accuracy and coverage. Unfortunately, existing techniques still rely on semantics-less code features which are susceptible to the code transformation. Besides, they adopt merely either a static or a dynamic approach to detect binary code clones, which cannot achieve high accuracy and coverage simultaneously.


Conference paper

2018 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME)
Yikun Hu
Yikun Hu
Assistant Research Fellow

I am working in LoCCS at SJTU. My research interests focus on (AI-assisted) Program Analysis and its application to Software Security. We are looking for motivated students interested in Software Security or AI Security. Feel free to contact us please, if you have an interest in researching or interning in our lab.