Embroidery: Patching Vulnerable Binary Code of Fragmentized Android Devices


The rapid-iteration, web-style update cycle of Android helps fix revealed security vulnerabilities for its latest version. However, such security enhancements are usually only available for few Android devices released by certain manufacturers (e.g., Google’s official Nexus devices). More manufactures choose to stop providing system update service for their obsolete models, remaining millions of vulnerable Android devices in use. In this situation, a feasible solution is to leverage existing source code patches to fix outdated vulnerable devices. To implement this, we introduce EMBROIDERY, a binary rewriting based vulnerability patching system for obsolete Android devices without requiring the manufacturer’s source code against Android fragmentation. EMBROIDERY patches the known critical framework and kernel vulnerabilities in Android using both static and dynamic binary rewriting techniques. It transplants official patches (CVE source code patches) of known vulnerabilities to different devices by adopting heuristic matching strategies to deal with the code diversity introduced by Android fragmentation, and fulfills a complex dynamic memory modification to implement kernel vulnerabilities patching. We employ EMBROIDERY to patch sophisticated Android kernel and framework vulnerabilities for various manufactures’ obsolete devices ranging from Android 4.2 to 5.1. The result shows the patched devices are able to defend against known exploits and the normal functions are not affected.


Conference paper

2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance and Evolution (ICSME)
Yikun Hu
Yikun Hu
Assistant Research Fellow

I am working in LoCCS at SJTU. My research interests focus on (AI-assisted) Program Analysis and its application to Software Security. We are looking for motivated students interested in Software Security or AI Security. Feel free to contact us please, if you have an interest in researching or interning in our lab.