Yikun HU (胡易坤) is an Assitant Research Fellow at the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Before that, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at HKUST. His research interests focus on (AI-assisted) Program Analysis and its application to Software Security. He is a member of the Lab of Cryptology and Computer Security (LoCCS), directed by Prof. Dawu Gu. If you would like to join our lab as a postgraduate or intern, feel free to send an e-mail for more information.
yikunh at sjtu.edu.cn
Rm 5207, Software Bldg
PhD in Computer Science
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
BSc in Computer Science
South China University of Technology
[Sept. 30] Congrats to Kaiyan for her paper on ML-assisted Binary Similarity Analysis accepted by TIFS.
[Aug. 15] Congrats to Ziyi for his paper on Android remote attestation accepted by ESORICS'23.