Yikun HU (胡易坤) is an Assitant Research Fellow at the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Before that, he was a Postdoctoral Fellow at HKUST. His research interests include Binary Program Analysis and Software Engineering. He is a member of the Lab of Cryptology and Computer Security (LoCCS), which is directed by Prof. Dawu Gu. If you would like to join our lab as PhD, Postdoc, or RA, feel free to send e-mails for more information.
yikunh at sjtu.edu.cn
Rm 5207, Software Bldg
PhD in Computer Science
Shanghai Jiao Tong University
BSc in Computer Science
South China University of Technology
[Sept. 30] Congrats to Kaiyan for her paper on ML-assisted Binary Similarity Analysis accepted by TIFS.
[Aug. 15] Congrats to Ziyi for his paper on Android remote attestation accepted by ESORICS'23.